
Digital Democracy in the Age of AI

For many participants, this was their first interaction with AI in a deliberative context.

Trust is the key

The most assuring mode of operation is a coalition formed by data holders and data users.

The Case for Democratizing AI

If you want to create the common sense that comes from twenty years of being in the world, you need to devote twenty years to the task.

Public-Private Collaboration for Precise Fraud Prevention

Not just fixing leaks at the end but also blocking them from the source.

A phone call at 3,000 meters

5G remote diagnosis and treatment platforms can transmit medical images in real time.

Digital public infrastructure, shared by all

How to properly use this mechanism that combines identity verification, information flow, and cash flow in the future?

Informed Data Governance, Rational Data Altruism

"Data Free Flow with Trust" is the top priority for cross-border collaboration.

Ten years of open data, opening up an infinite future

Data for public good assists the sustainable use of scarce global resources.

Summit for Democracy: Shaping emerging technologies to align with human rights and democratic principles

Empower the voices reaching across ideological divides and uncover our shared values in plain sight.

Drones and Trusted Tech Take Off Together

TTC partnered with domestic industry leaders to create this initiative, further solidifying the concept of Trusted Tech.