The Dispatch Form is a document required when using government vehicles. Despite its small size, it contains numerous fields, from the applicant’s name and purpose of use to the driver’s entries of travel time, mileage, fuel consumption, and more—amounting to dozens of details. Once completed, the form is submitted to the management unit and entered into the system for future reference.

With digitalization, this administrative process moved online, saving time from manual data entry. However, this shift poses a challenge for drivers not accustomed to mobile input.

This transition from paper to digital often presents a common issue: solving a problem for one group while creating a burden for another. When both sides have a voice, how should this be managed?

Department heads typically gather frontline experiences through focus interviews or an employee suggestion box. Despite the effort of reviewing each response, finding a solution that satisfies both parties is challenging.

Let’s hear what everyone has to say!

The Ministry of Digital Affairs utilizes an internal democratic system called “my moda.” Nearly six hundred colleagues can propose innovative solutions or address current policy challenges through this platform. If a proposal receives thirty likes within ten working days on the discussion platform, it is forwarded to the relevant unit for feasibility studies. After refining the proposal, it is presented to all colleagues for a vote.

If the proposal garners one hundred votes within five working days, it will be discussed further during the monthly ministerial livestream. Participants can ask questions anonymously online. Only after gaining consensus is the proposal adopted.

During digital transformation, our biggest concern is not understanding the actual needs, and a top-down approach often fails to solve problems, creating new ones instead. However, if we know that more than one-sixth of our colleagues share a common need, we can address the majority’s issues more effectively. Returning to the dispatch form example, users commonly seek convenience, though their solutions differ. On the discussion platform and in livestreams, everyone can voice their opinions, evaluating new foundations to balance diverse interests.

The final decision was to implement OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology, allowing drivers to continue handwriting. For drivers, writing a few words is faster than photographing the odometer and uploading the numbers. The subsequent processing is fully digitized, utilizing generative AI to automatically extract fields from the handwritten forms, eliminating the need for manual entry.

By digitizing these dispatch forms, statistical analysis can generate more innovative proposals. For example, if the most frequent reason for dispatch is to deliver confidential documents, we can further explore end-to-end encryption and fully implement online signing to save more time.

Through our internal democratic mechanism, the integration between users and new technology smoothens, even giving basic dispatch forms new value.