The Ministry of Digital Affairs utilizes an internal democratic system called "my moda." Nearly six hundred colleagues can propose innovative solutions or address current policy challenges through ...
eventRealistic AI is a powerful tool for fraud, yet simultaneously serves as an excellent assistant for productivity and creativity.
eventDigital signatures, like seal certificates, ensure uniqueness and preventing forgery.
eventAfter all, no democracy is an island — not even Taiwan.
eventWhen language models are used in a business environment, further fine-tuning and customization is often required according to communication standards.
eventAre the standards and definitions for assessing harms are tied to a small group of people?
eventAI systems with frequent hallucinations will come to be avoided by investors.
eventIf AI is properly integrated into public infrastructures, it has the potential to help humanity become better.
event"Information Integrity" is the cornerstone of trust, whether it's identifying an individual, an organization, or a document.
eventThe monopolistic cycle not only jeopardizes individual privacy but also stifles innovation across industries.