How to integrate the benefits of online work in the physical workflow?
eventPETs and legal frameworks jointly upholding human rights in the digital age.
eventWe must work not just “for” the people, but “with” the people.
eventAs democracies, we must trust our citizens and invest in public infrastructure in the digital realm.
eventFriendly examples and specific suggestions can further improve the experience of government websites.
eventCrowdsourcing for an Inclusive and Resilient Indo-Pacific.
eventWe need to experiment with social innovation based on collective action facilitated by digital technology.
eventDownload the digital certificate directly from the website without having to install any apps.
eventIn Taiwan, young students from across disciplines roll up their sleeves over the summer to work with government agencies in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic to revamp what everyone describes as "...
eventThe "Taiwan Model" shows the world the value of classical democracy in the digital age.