
Collaborative meetings foster mutual trust

Participation in policies, proposals and endorsements has successfully unleashed the imagination of many people for public policy innovation.

Hack for a Sustainable Future

Global citizens team up to make great ideas a gift to the planet.

All people make a wish, let hackers realize their dreams for you

Select outstanding aspirations and expand your ideas through the "Ideathon".

Co-creating an inclusive Plurality

Everyone can freely connect with each other, fully experience the feeling of being there together, and go boldly where no one has gone before.

APSIPA: Asia Pacific Social Innovation Partnership Award

With the theme of "Human-Oriented", the Special Jury Award encourages the team to put the focus back on "people".

My face and where they come from

Generate antibodies to false images and reduce the chance of being manipulated.

Why I Am a Pluralist

Dystopias of social collapse or subjugation to centralized artificial superintelligences could give way to an embrace of the power of diverse cooperation.

Listening to the opposite - beyond "inclusive" meetings

How to make diverse voices softly understood will be the core of future collaborative meetings.

Spurring Summit for Democracy Progress

How should such a commitment be safeguarded and deepened going forward? The existence of the Significant Gender Statistics Database is crucial.

Toward the new normal of hybrid workspace

How to integrate the benefits of online work in the physical workflow?