🌐 April 28th is the 100th day of Taiwan’s Central Epidemic Command Center. Taiwan’s achievements in pandemic prevention are obvious. Many countries have come to inquire about the Taiwan model one after another.

💯 In the past hundred days, we can see that pandemic prevention relies on not only the efforts of civil servants and medical staff but also the full participation of everyone. Hence, we make continuous efforts to share Taiwan’s experience in making the whole people collaborate while fighting against the virus.

🛫 Hence, we adopted two measures. One of them is the face masks donation campaign in which everyone can participate to offer humanitarian aid. People can log into the NHI mobile app to dedicate their quota of face masks. In less than a week after the campaign was launched, about 4 million face masks were dedicated in more than 460,000 dedicators. Currently, the dedications made by Taiwan people are still increasing.

💡 Another campaign is called #cohack. Everyone can invite their friends to join it. Inspired by the Hack From Home event organized by g0v, Taiwan and U.S. decided to run an online campaign to solicit suggestions on pandemic prevention. Based on the Taiwan-U.S. Joint Statement on a Partnership against Coronavirus, we listed six themes. Anyone can give their opinions online.

💬 Last year, the Executive Yuan and American Institute in Taiwan cooperated in developing a digital dialogue platform that used the digital tool Pol.is. Likewise, Cohack also uses this tool to let participants learn about others’ opinions in a visualized manner and thus motivate them to meditate on them. Furthermore, it will raise the possibility of reaching a consensus.

⚖️ A feature of Cohack is that the sponsor will consider the laws of Taiwan while evaluating the legitimacy of every opinion and meanwhile announce them on the website for reference. For instance, some people proposed to set up procedures and send people to look for infected people from house to house and then isolate them. According to the legal group, this proposal may violate the Communicable Disease Control Act, so it has a “red light” mark that indicates it’s not feasible.

🎞️ Now that we announced the topics that experts have assessed, everyone can propose their solutions by producing a three-minute film and submitting them publicly, thus contributing innovative solutions to pandemic prevention.

🚸 Recently, many people have spontaneously provided and gathered pandemic prevention resources of Taiwan and shared them with foreign communities. In my opinion, our citizens who take action to address social issues best demonstrate social innovation. We organized the face masks donation and #cohack campaigns to support them in the hope of encouraging more people to work together and make contributions to the world.