On April 13, 2018, the PDIS team held the 30th Collaborative Meeting at the Airspace Society Innovation Center to discuss whether single women can have children through artificial reproduction.

This case was proposed by netizen Shu Kai Wu on the public network policy participation platform on January 4, 2018. "Open single women can legally perform "artificial conception" and "test tube baby"", after being linked by the netizens, and the open government contact person voted to vote, became the theme of the collaborative meeting.

After several months of preparation, the meeting was held on April 13th at the Air China Social Innovation Center. The Issue Handbook was also produced for the participants to read beforehand.

Unmarried people do not apply artificial reproductive discrimination? Participants changed their tone

In the beginning, the proponents reported that the UN human rights conventions guarantee the people’s reproductive rights. In addition to equal equality regardless of sexual orientation, this right should be treated the same whether it is married or not. Guarantee. At present, Taiwanese artificial reproduction can only be used by couples diagnosed as infertility, which is equivalent to discrimination against single women.

The sponsor proposes human rights and constitutional guarantees

The proponent pointed out that if the risks associated with artificial reproduction are used abroad, including excessive use of drugs, multi-embryo implantation, more money, and ultimately doubts that may lead to health and well-being, in order to protect those in need Rights, the government should open single women to use artificial reproduction.

However, opponents believe that if artificial reproduction is to be used, in order to increase the chance of success, there may be a problem of tire reduction, which causes harm to life; religious belief does not allow masturbation to take fine. Opponents also believe that children born in a natural way of sexual behavior can have a happy family environment. The supporters believe that we should have multiple imaginations for the family. The families of modern society have become more and more diverse. We should understand the diverse nature of the family and give appropriate support. It is further pointed out that an important factor in the well-being of children is a stable family rather than a specific form of family structure. However, the opposition party believes that "the law of nature represents the best interests of the child", and a family of one man and one woman is better.

There has also been a debate about the definition of unmarried women. The opposing party believes that the definition of unmarried woman should be "lifelong celibacy", that is, "everyone is prepared to be single, not married, and has no chance to have natural sexual behavior", but after some discussion, the legal definition of singles is still maintained.

For the reference materials, the two sides also had a confrontation. Among the materials prepared by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the three materials that opposed the proposal were pointed out by the participating teachers to have serious problems. One of the studies also cited the study of rats, which might mislead the participants. The opponent said, "You can't think that the mainstream opinion of 98 papers is wrong because there are two papers supporting different family types." After the moderator provided the information after the request, the opponent stated that the "2 to 98" argument is only a metaphor.

The opponents questioned the anonymous donation. When the child couldn't know his father, it might cause incest. He thought that "sperm banks around the world are anonymous", but after a field of discussion, it is not true to clarify the matter.

Group Meeting Focusing Supporting Measures and Children's Welfare

In the afternoon, the collaboration was led by consultant Zhang Fangrui and designer Lin Shuzhen, starting from the supporting measures of single women using artificial reproduction, trying to find Possible supporting measures and the trade-offs of participants.

The first group discusses the situation

The first group pointed out that the biggest problem of artificial reproduction is that single parents are born, but is the single parent a problem or a phenomenon? In this regard, I hope that I can rely on professional research, such as tracking the development of children in single-parent families. However, the current research is almost all about heterosexual divorced and disharmonized families, so at present, it is produced for single woman reproductive work. The child problem has not yet found relevant research.

If it is only for single women to do economic or family support status review, I am afraid that it will become unfair to singles, and should be treated equally. All artificial genitals must check economic conditions and family background. In addition, a comprehensive social safety net should be constructed to support all care for single-parent families. If you are worried that your child will be discriminated against at school, you may need anti-discrimination education.

If you want to take into account the child's power to know the father, you can promote the anonymity and non-anonymous donation. If it is non-anonymous, you can design the system to let the child inquire after adulthood. It is suitable for single women and artificial reproduction. Couple. The second group will first find a consensus that artificial reproduction should exist, but it should be defined whether the state should take care of the reproductive rights of unmarried people. Then, the discussion is divided into two directions.

One party believes that artificial reproduction should still conform to the laws of nature, and should be based on natural sexual intercourse, and the line does not need to be changed. However, the other side believes that although the law exists, because it is an unmarried woman, problems have arisen, such as discrimination against specific sexual orientation, marital status or economic ability, so it is hoped that the law can be promoted, such as the removal of the qualifications for marriage. During the discussion, some doctors at the meeting pointed out that there is indeed a need for unmarried artificial reproduction in Taiwan. Some families will require their girlfriends to get pregnant before they can get married. These people do need to use artificial reproduction in an unmarried situation. The second group also has another consensus. The well-being of children is important. Therefore, when evaluating single parents, you can refer to the current adoption system, find some institutions for evaluation, or consult counseling, social worker assistance, and so on. However, one party believes that the lack of male models for children's growth will have adverse effects. The other party believes that children do not have to have fathers. Instead, they have long-term supportive and good relationships, which is the key factor for children's growth.

The second group discusses the situation

In terms of possible risks, the second group considers that the child needs to know his father. You can consider whether the donor chooses not to be anonymous, or refer to other countries to promote the situation, or refer to domestic NGOs such as “Gambling Family Rights Promotion”. Some manuals published by the conference.

Another risk and obstacle is that the process of repairing the law may take time and may require a special agency to supervise.

These materials will be reported by the political commissar Tang Feng to the dean and the heads of relevant ministries at the government meeting every other week as a follow-up policy. Planning reference.

The meeting is difficult to focus on the sponsors and still expects the issue to advance

The proposer believes that the government can move forward after expecting the proposal, and it is expected that the government needs to listen to the positive and negative voices to make judgments, but this The meeting was not focused. She believes that how the host pulls back the focus is very important.

For the afternoon grouping, the sponsors thought that if the two groups talked about the same topic, it would be good, so that everyone can have more opportunities to speak. The proponent said that in the group meeting, the colleagues in the Ministry of the Interior will play the role of her, and indeed explain the connotation of the household registration law. The participants in the children’s position also have a professional support system that the children need is a strong support system. This is very good. Speaking. However, in fact, there are still those who speak.

For the conference materials, the sponsors think that this conference is more like supplementing the information to the National Health Service, but some people's arguments do not give any justifications. Such remarks may be a waste of time for participants. However, the sponsor finally mentioned that through this meeting, she had increased some legal knowledge, but the opposing opinions still did not convince her. The proponents believe that the government should let the two sides understand each other, rather than having to follow up after the meeting. I hope that the government can make some progress on this issue and not let the folk resources be wasted.