On October 2, 2017, a monthly monthly government liaison meeting was held in the VIP room of the Executive Yuan. In addition to reporting the progress of each collaborative meeting, it also passed the resolution that will deal with "seven days off" and "air-conditioning in primary and secondary schools" in the next month. The seven-day holiday issue is a highly political issue that many people care about. The follow-up situation is worthy of further concern.

Opening the Secretariat of Participation Officers (hereinafterreferredtoasPO) is the system established by Tang Feng after the appointment of the dean, and he hopes to open the government liaison through the special duties of each ministry. Long-term and continuous cooperation, on the one hand, establishes a communication channel based on mutual trust and mutual trust, and through this mechanism, the two sides also deal with the issues raised by the people and the various ministries more immediately.

Tang Feng presided over the opening of the government liaison monthly meeting
Tang Feng presided over the opening of the government liaison monthly meeting

At the beginning of this monthly meeting, the RAY Project is first reported by the public digital innovation space (pdis). Through long-distance traineeship, RAY invites young students to help review the websites of various ministries to find out which websites are different in Safari and Chrome, and then identify possible problems and then ask the department to correct them. The counselor Ye Ning specifically mentioned that the result of the RAY project is not to produce the test indicators of each ministry, but to make specific suggestions to assist you in making corrections.

Next, it will be discussed for the next section of the Ming culture's "open government contact set operation points." Many POs have proposed discussions on the corresponding provisions, such as direct supervision of the chief is the second chief, or the chief secretary? It has also been mentioned that, for the work results of PO, can it be included in a certain degree of reward, so that civil servants have the motivation to take the post of PO?

These comments have been discussed and gathered, have been included in the draft elements, and then reported to the Executive Yuan. The counselor who is responsible for the matter said that the amendments to the details of the draft text can be discussed again.

The sli.do is used at the PO monthly meeting to deal with the anonymous questions raised by the participants.
The sli.do is used at the PO monthly meeting to deal with the anonymous questions raised by the participants.

Collaborative Meeting Follow-up

Following, is the report on the follow-up progress of the Join platform.

The Ministry of Communications said that the previous request for the "Public Car Impact Test Report" has been commissioned and it is expected that there will be specific results by the end of 2017. The "Lemon Car Bill" is also under discussion. Next, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Ministry of Culture also reported on the progress of the "rules of online game regulation" and "golden paper and incense in cultural assets".

For the Ministry of Education's "Requires the Establishment of 1000 Classes of Public Kindergarten in Four Years", the Ministry of Education has responded online, preliminarily counting the number of public kindergartens that local governments are expected to establish within four years. The class has exceeded the number of recommendations at that time; the goal of adding public kindergartens in 2017 is 143 classes, and so far 190 classes have been added, which is higher than the target value; many people feel headaches for the two-year-old children’s class, which is expected to be in the future. The setting of Class 176 will also guide local governments to discuss the feasibility of recruiting public kindergartens to recruit children under three years of age.

The Ministry of Education said that they will continue to conduct professional empowerment studies for non-profit kindergarten personnel and regular financial audits, with a view to improving the quality of non-profit kindergartens in the future.

On the follow-up to the "FB Facebook Shopping Fraud" case, the participating people continued to question why imported goods do not need to open invoices. However, the full day of the collaborative meeting has been fully explained, the Ministry of Finance wants to know whether the follow-up comprehensive response still needs to be explained. Tang Feng responded that each collaborative meeting has a verbatim draft, which can be attached by means of a link, so that people who want to understand the problem in the future can see the explanatory text at that time.

The theme of this month's collaborative meeting, seven days off, primary and secondary school air-conditioning outlets

After the progress report, it is about the PO issues handled this month. There are four weeks in a month, and outside the PO week in the first week, PO collaboration meetings are held every week. Through the explanation and voting of the case, the topics to be dealt with in the next month will be selected. There are five cases to vote on this week. There are three cases in the Ministry of Education, including the increase in the hourly fee for primary and secondary school teachers, the same number of basic teaching hours in the national high school and the national middle school, and the installation of air-conditioning for the national primary and secondary schools. The case was the "open 150cc locomotive road rights" of the Ministry of Communications and the "return my seven days off" case. The issue of seven-day leave is quite special. Although the proposal for the work-related proposal is a seven-day holiday in which the labor has been reduced due to the return of the holiday to the Ministry of the Interior, it is hoped that the National Holiday will be set by the Ministry of the Interior. Reply to the law, but everyone understands that this issue is behind the issue of labor. However, the management of national holidays is the responsibility of the Ministry of the Interior, so whether it should be hosted by the Ministry of the Interior PO, or hosted by the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Labor, or some discussion of the on-site PO.

Tang Feng mentioned that in the face of the seven-day leave case, you can try some methods to allow opinions or ideas from different directions to be integrated into the decision. Tang Feng is looking forward to using this case as an opportunity to ease the pressure of political public opinion with correct procedures. After all, the time is urgent and everyone's pressure will increase.

Finally, under the vote of the public PO, the PO meeting will solve the problem of seven days off and the installation of air-conditioning in primary and secondary schools in a collaborative manner.

The PO monthly meeting will coordinate the seven-day holiday and the problem of air-conditioning installation in primary and secondary schools in a collaborative manner.
The PO monthly meeting will coordinate the seven-day holiday and the problem of air-conditioning installation in primary and secondary schools in a collaborative manner.

Reconstruction of Christchurch in New Zealand, using time to unite the consensus of the people

Next, Tang Feng also shared his knowledge of going to New Zealand. She went to the meeting in Christchurch, and there was a big earthquake in 2011, but they rebuilt six years, which is equivalent to the reconstruction of the six months after the 921 earthquake in Taiwan.

For the earthquake, New Zealand has passed a bill similar to the "Local Recycling Law", requiring all districts to reconcile interested parties. The construction company must cooperate with community NGOs during the planning stage. Since most of the residents have insurance and are not in a hurry to cover the house, the entire city is rebuilt at a very slow rate. It takes five years to consult if Christchurch Church is to be rebuilt, and it will take eight years to rebuild.

Tang Feng said with a smile that Taiwan’s execution is very strong and it may be restored to its original state in a few months. However, the slow discussion and reconstruction will enable everyone to help each other and converge the consensus of the people in this process, and the city government will gain more trust from the people with the participation of the people.

Tang Feng explained that there is no strong consensus in Taiwan society at present, and it is willing to delay the time to deal with it for so long. But many times things are slow and round, how to make things clear, New Zealand's experience can be used for Taiwan's reference.

Open government, still have to consider political issues

A lot of people have been curious before. Is it useful to keep track of the progress of past cases through the monthly meeting? The official colleagues who participated in the meeting admitted that the mandatory force to track progress in the current form is not strong. After all, Tang Feng will not intervene in the examination from the policy level, nor will he actively ask "whether this is enough." After all, Tang Feng is not the actual business supervisor, so he may feel that he can only do this. However, is the progress reported by the PO really the same as the actual implementation? If you get stuck because of a problem, is there any way to encourage the PO to take the initiative to help you solve the problem?

Of course, such tracking still has an impact on the progress of the case, but it will not be a very strong intervention. If you really want to expand your influence, you must rely on PO to follow it seriously. Otherwise, you may only ask the progress before you come to the meeting, and it is difficult to actually push forward the progress. However, is there any improvement in this situation? The official colleagues admit that he did not think of a better practice.

As for the electronic whiteboard demonstrated by the collaborative conference, and the current PDIS recording method, is there any way to gradually internalize it into a way of internal research or assignment? Is there any way to improve the quality of the government meeting? It is also a problem that can be observed continuously in the future.

There are also participating colleagues who pointed out that the topic of "seven days off" is a good observation case. In past experience, the higher the political and political will, the higher the possibility of political risk, the less space for civic participation, and the less the case that PO will handle. In the case of seven days off, it is not only the Executive Yuan, but also the factors of the Legislative Yuan. If there is an unexpected risk, it may affect the final decision. The colleague pointed out that through the form of collaborative meetings, it is indeed possible to sort out the context behind the case and help the government officials and affairs officers of the principal understand the issue. In this issue, what role will Tang Feng and the collaborative meeting play? What is the extent of the impact on the decision of the Administrative Officer? More observation is needed.

Opening the government liaison system is a new attempt to form a policy. However, the current policy is also being formed through the electorate and network of people behind the political figures. These two methods do not necessarily conflict, but how to complement each other and inlay each other is a challenge we have to face.